11 de abril de 2017


 África: entre la vida y la muerte
  El West Pokot, situado en la zona del lago Turkana es uno de los territorios más olvidados del mundo, hasta ese lugar inhóspito y duro llega la solidaridad de algunas personas que se implican física y emocionalmente, este es el caso de Ana Sánchez "Chemosop" y Dustin Carmona, representantes de la Asociación Calor y Café de Granada, España.
 Fuente: Youtube (Alcazaba Documental)
Duración: 21 min.


Trabajar en África
  Un tercio de la población de Mauritania vive, directa o indirectamente, de la pesca artesanal. Bamba Fall, un pescador sindicalista, nos invita a conocer la agitada actividad del puerto de Nouackchott: las trágicas historias en la mar de viejos pescadores, las duras labores de pesca, las artes de la herrería a partir de materiales imaginativamente reciclados, la venta del pescado por parte de intrépidas mujeres, la educación de los niños de la mano del imán de la mezquita... Un mundo en el que el peligroso arte de la pesca se sostiene gracias a la solidaridad de quienes lo comparten.
Fuente: Youtube (New Atlantis Full Documentaries)
Duración: 52 min.


Faces of África:
 Rastafarians coming home to África
During colonial times, many Africans were traded for slavery in the Americas. When Abraham Lincoln abolished slavery, many started searching for their roots. For years, Rastafarians from Jamaica have gone to live in Shashemene Ethiopia, a land that the late Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia gave to them. Today, many are happy to be home.
Fuente: Youtube (CGTN Africa)
Duración: 30 min.

Faces of África:
Keepers of the Ark

In the North of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, one finds a church that was built in 434 AD. This church was the first of about 120 other churches built in the Tigray region. Its curved entirely from a rock and not a single stone block was used. The church is the hiding place of the Ark of the Covenant which is known to be sacred. Whatever is in the Ark is only known to the priests and no one even the president knows or has the authority to check. Hence the big question is, what is in this preserved Ark? We find out from the keepers of the Ark
Fuente: Youtube (CGTN Africa)
Duración: 33 min.

Faces of África:
Haile Selassie: The pillar of Ethiopia, part 1 & 2 

Though he died almost four decades ago, Haile Selassie's legacy remains strong and valid. "Faces of Africa" sought to unearth the events and memories of the man who dared to confront The League of Nations, now UN, pleading for their support in conquering the Italians who were preparing to attack Ethiopia.
Fuente: Youtube (CGTN Africa)
Duración: 58 min.


Faces of África:
Polygamous Love 

According to the Maasai culture, having many wives and children is an indication of wealth. Young girls from as little as 15 years old are married off by their fathers. In this episode, "Faces of Africa" follows the story of an 11 year old girl, Eunice Mitao, as she's being married off as a second wife to a young Maasai man.

Fuente: Youtube (CGTN Africa)
Duración: 29 min.

Faces of África:
King of the mountains
Eritrea is a country located in the Horn of Africa, with altitudes as high as 2,300 m high and a population of over 5 million people. 
Fuente: Youtube (CGTN Africa)
Duración: 29 min.

Faces Of África:
Chief Obasanjo at your service

Olusegun Obasanjo popularly known as Chief Obasanjo is the former president of Nigeria. He served for two terms. Before becoming a president he served in the army and played a key role in the Biafran War. He is also known for ending the existence of coup regimes in Nigeria.
 Fuente: Youtube (CGTN Africa)
Duración: 30 min.

Faces of África:
Kwame Nkrumah

Kwame Nkrumah was born on September 21, 1909, in Nkroful, Gold Coast (now Ghana), and shepherded the country in its struggle for independence from Great Britain. He went on to be named life president of both the nation and his party, until the army and police in Ghana seized power in 1966 and he found asylum in Guinea.
Fuente: Youtube (CGTN Africa) 
Duración: 30 min.

Faces of África:
Sankara´s Ghost

27 years on and Thomas Sankara's legacy still lives on. Sankara was a profound leader with deep love for his country, Burkina Faso. But he would not live long enough to see his vision change his country for better. He was assassinated. "Faces of Africa" takes you through Sankara's journey and how his ideas have stuck in the minds of the young generation, now seeking to resuscitate the country's economic and political status.
 Fuente: Youtube (CGTN Africa) 
Duración: 30 min.

Faces of África:
Samora Machel: The Struggle Continues 

A President, a military commander, revolutionary socialist and a member of Frelimo soldiers, Samora Machel from Mozambique. Faces of Africa takes you through his battles and struggles in life.
Fuente: Youtube (CGTN Africa) 
Duración: 29 min.

Faces of África:
The Jerry Rawlings story 

Jerry Rawlings popularly known as J.J, is the former president of Ghana. A hands on, brave and astute leader mostly revered and known for revolutionizing the political and economic status of Ghana at a dire point in its history. His famous escape from execution in 1979 and the brave rescue by his military friends from a dictatorial government became his turning point, for presidency.
Fuente: Youtube (CGTN Africa) 
Duración: 30 min.

Faces of África:
Mugabe:The Old Man and the Seat of Power,Part1

92 year old Robert Mugabe is the president of Zimbabwe and has ruled the country since its independence. He’s the longest serving president in Africa. Over the years Mugabe has had a fair share of criticism and praise both abroad and home.
Fuente: Youtube (CGTN Africa) 
Duración: 30 min.

Faces of África:
Mugabe:The Old Man and the Seat of Power,Part2

Robert Mugabe bowed to pressure and stood down as the president of Zimbabwe in November 2017.
Fuente: Youtube (CGTN Africa) 
Duración: 29 min.

Faces of África
Mwalimu Julius Nyerere
Brave, strong and with a zeal to help liberate other African countries that were still under the rule of the colonialists, Mwalimu Julius Nyerere the founding father of Tanzania stood as a great leader who chose the path less travelled by many.
Fuente: Youtube (CGTN Africa) 
Duración:28 min.

Faces of África:
The Sahara

"The Sahara is one of the largest and hottest deserts in the world, covering much of North Africa. The Saharan nomads are famous for their skillful survival, adaptive nature and efficient utilization of the minimal resources at their disposal."
Fuente: Youtube (CGTN Africa) 
Duración:28 min.